What Foods Cause the Most Inflammation?

Juli Mazi

October 17, 2022

Sugar is the worst food for inflammation because it causes the body to release cytokines and inflammatory messengers. It is also a known trigger for Type 2 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, diseases often associated with inflammation. However, white sugar is not the only culprit. Other foods containing added sugars and syrups are also high-inflammation triggers.

Processed meat

Research shows that processed meat increases your risk for inflammation, which can lead to heart disease and stroke. This is due to the high content of saturated fat and sodium exacerbating inflammation. Additionally, processed meat contains chemicals that damage cells and can increase cancer risk. Therefore, it is important to avoid processed meat as much as possible and switch to a vegetarian diet or other less processed meat alternatives.

Added sugar

Adding sugar to your food is a bad idea, especially when it comes to chronic inflammation. Studies show that adding too much sugar to your food can inflate your body, and too much sugar has been associated with several diseases. Fortunately, several ways to cut back on your sugar intake can help.

Added trans fats

A new study shows that a diet high in added trans fats increases markers of inflammation, including C-reactive protein. The study found that participants who consumed the most trans fats had 78% higher C-reactive protein levels than those who ate the least. The researchers controlled for other factors, including age, BMI, physical activity, smoking status, and intake of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Red meat

Red meat consumption has been associated with various health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The reason behind this connection is unclear, but several possible explanations exist.

Refined carbohydrates

It is important to limit the consumption of refined carbohydrates in your diet. These foods are high in sugar and lack fiber, which is necessary for maintaining a healthy blood sugar balance. Furthermore, they promote the growth of inflammatory bacteria in the gut, which can lead to an increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease. Refined carbohydrates also raise your blood sugar quickly, which is bad for your health.


Advanced glycation end products, or AGEs, are found in foods cooked in oil. These molecules are directly responsible for inflammation in the body. While some studies indicate that a small amount of alcohol may benefit a person’s health, excessive drinking is associated with numerous health problems. Therefore, drinking responsibly and following up your drinks with water is important.


Research suggests that coffee has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, its chlorogenic acid is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a normal bodily response that alerts our immune system to fight harmful things. Moreover, this response signals the body’s natural healing process. However, chronic low levels of inflammation are also serious health hazards and are associated with various conditions, including heart disease and diabetes.

Plant-based diets

While avoiding meat and dairy products may be tempting, a plant-based diet can help keep your body’s immune system strong. This diet contains many phytochemicals, strengthening your body’s immune system, helping stabilize your blood sugar levels, and reducing inflammation. Additionally, it’s a great way to lower your cholesterol and improve your bowel health. In addition, it can help protect you from many types of cancer.